Feb 19Liked by Sanobar Sabah

Thank you so much for this post! I really needed to hear this.

I'm a teenager, from an upper-middle-class, relatively conservative Hindu family. Recently, I've been questioning my own faith and what it means to be a nationalist with the rise of the Hindutva movement a lot. I've been trying to articulate my ideas on this matter with little success because of how complicated it feels, and how unreliable the media seems in my eyes. It's strange how although we have access to so much information, it feels like I don't know anything, like I can't believe in anything I am reading or seeing.

I'm especially grateful for that Piglet and Winnie-the-Pooh exert. It brought tears to my eyes because I felt like Pooh was saying exactly the words I've been aching to say.

Lots of love! Looking forward to reading more of your work!

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Feb 19·edited Feb 19Author

Dear Aastha

I was recently told by a fellow Muslim that yoga is haraam. I have done yoga for years, so I challenged her opinion of it quite politely. I'm sure she still disagreed with me but, having heard this opinion repeatedly, I was done being a passive listener. I'm fortunate to be friends with Hindus who are some of the staunchest skeptics of Hindutva. It's not easy. I've received flak from my own community whenever I spoke against radical, Muslim extremists. Any God-fearing person would have the basic common sense of not hurting other humans - we are after all God's creation. Extremists use religion as a tool to remain in power - bringing a bad name to our faith, whether it is Islam or, Hinduism. Media is another tool. I'm amazed at how deeply reflective you are at this tender age (I went to your profile and wasn't surprised to know you're a writer :)) and I'm touched by the support, in classic Piglet style, that you've showered upon me. With all my heart, thank you. I'm following you for more wisdom!

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Feb 4Liked by Sanobar Sabah

Wow 👌 easy steps but so hard to articulate.

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Very good recommendations. I am trying to speak up wherever and whenever I can. Dispelling whatsapp university myths in my own family. Speaking up on social media as well. I hope to do more to combat this hate.

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We do what we can do, Parvathy. You are the Piglet :)) Thank you!

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Thank you, yaara!

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